Cidade/city: Cidade do Vaticano/Vatican city
(I was luck to be in Italy by the time the new pope was
chosen, Pope Franchesco. And I could go to Rome and attend a mass with him, an
unforgetable moment.)
A Basílica de São Pedro é a maior igreja católica, com área de 23.000 metros quadrados e possui as obras de Michelângelo, a Pietá.
(Basilica of Saint Peter is the biggest catholic church in the world with an area of 23.000 square metres and has Michelangelo's arts, like Pieta.)
(Basilica of Saint Peter is the biggest catholic church in the world with an area of 23.000 square metres and has Michelangelo's arts, like Pieta.)

La Pietá
Na Capela Sistina podemos apreciar as obras de Michelângelo e as pinturas maravilhosas nos tetos das galerias. Podemos fotografar as galerias mas não dentro da capela.
(At Sistine Chapel we can appreciate Michelangelo 'masterpieces and the beautiful paintings in the ceilings. We can take photographs just in the galleries but not inside of the Chapel).
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