Fizemos o passeio com a escola e visitamos essas duas
cidadezinhas na região de Cornwall. Região muito linda com um cenário
maravilhoso de praias e era famoso pelas minas onde os trabalhadores levavam o
'pasty' para o almoço, um tipo de pastel recheado com bordas grossas que após
os mineiros comerem, eram jogadas fora para devido a contaminação.
(We visited these towns in Cornwall with the school. The
region was so beautiful with nice beaches and it was famous because of the
mines. In the past the mineworkers used to take pasty for lunch, which were
filled with different meat and this snack still traditional there.)
Fizemos a caminhada de duas horas entre uma cidadezinha e outra. Cenários maravilhosos!
(We walked for more than two hours between one city to the other, and the landscapes were fabulous!)
(We walked for more than two hours between one city to the other, and the landscapes were fabulous!)
LAND'S END é uma península e um cabo que fica no extremo
sudoeste da Inglaterra e é famoso por sugerir distancia.
(It is a headland and smaller settlement in esterno Cornwall. Land's End has a particular resonance because it is often used to suggest distance.)

Visitamos também Saint Michael's mountain e Saint Ives.
(We also visited Saint Michael's mountain and Saint Ives).

(It is a headland and smaller settlement in esterno Cornwall. Land's End has a particular resonance because it is often used to suggest distance.)

(We also visited Saint Michael's mountain and Saint Ives).

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