Meu último destino: Jamaica. Meu amigo jamaicano Ronald
que mora em Jundiai, estava lá nos esperando para mostrar um pouco do seu país.
Paramos em Montego Bay.
(My last destination: Jamaica. My Jamaican friend Ronald, who lives in Jundiai, was there waiting for us to show a little of his country. We stopped in Montego Bay.)
(My last destination: Jamaica. My Jamaican friend Ronald, who lives in Jundiai, was there waiting for us to show a little of his country. We stopped in Montego Bay.)
Como minha irmã Selma também é professora, fomos conhecer algumas escolas locais. Visitamos a escola William Knibb Memorial, onde o atleta Bolt estudou.
(As my sister Selma is also a teacher, we visited some local schools. This is William Knibb Memorial, school where the runner Bolt studied.)
(As my sister Selma is also a teacher, we visited some local schools. This is William Knibb Memorial, school where the runner Bolt studied.)
Montego Bay é a segunda maior cidade da Jamaica, com população de 110.115 pessoas.
(Montego Bay is the second largest city in Jamaica, its population is 110.115 people.)
(Montego Bay is the second largest city in Jamaica, its population is 110.115 people.)
Nosso motorista e nossa guia local.
(Our driver and local your guide).
(Our driver and local your guide).
Cerveja jamaicana: Red Stripe.
(Jamaican beer: Red Stripe.)
Cheers Onyx & Ronald.
(Jamaican beer: Red Stripe.)
Cheers Onyx & Ronald.
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