É a capital da Finlândia e tem aproximadamente 600.000 pessoas. Ela está a 80 Km de Tallin/Estônia e 190 km de São Petersburgo na Rússia (por isso decidi conhecer esses países também).
(It is the capital of Finland and has a population of 600.000 people. Helsinki is located some 80 km north of Tallin, Estonia and 190 km west of Saint Petersburg, Russia. That is the reason I included these countries in my trip).
A Praça do Senado contem a belíssima catedral, foi construída durante o governo russo como um tributo a Czar Nicholas.
(Senate Square the Catedral - an iconic landmark. Built during the Russiam rule as a tribute to Czar Nicholas.)
Market Square
É o principal mercado aberto, de lá saem os passeios de barco pelo arquipélago.
(The main open market, there is the departure of cruises to see the archipelago)
É o principal mercado aberto, de lá saem os passeios de barco pelo arquipélago.
(The main open market, there is the departure of cruises to see the archipelago)
A igreja ortodoxa Uspensky.
(Uspensky Cathedral, Orthodox church).
(Uspensky Cathedral, Orthodox church).
O Parlamento da Finlândia
(Parliament of Finland)
(Parliament of Finland)
A estação de trem.
(Railway station)
(Railway station)
Museu Kissma de arte contemporânea.
(Kiasma Museum of contemporary art).
(Kiasma Museum of contemporary art).
Temppeliaukio ou conhecida como Rock Church, a igreja na Rocha, é a igreja construída na pedra. Foi construída em 1960 e o formato único das janelas permita passar a luz suficiente para dentro da igreja.
(Templo church or Rock church, literally it is a church in the rock. It was built in 1960 and the uniquely formed windows allow sufficient light into this remarkable church).
(Templo church or Rock church, literally it is a church in the rock. It was built in 1960 and the uniquely formed windows allow sufficient light into this remarkable church).
Cidade/city: Keuruu
Uma das razões de incluir essa cidade no meu roteiro foi
ser convidada a participar do casamento da filha do Harri e Susanna, a
Sannukka, que ja estiveram comigo no Brasil.
Foi uma experiência maravilhosa pois pude viver a cultura
do pais e diferentes costumes.(One of the reasons I chose to visit Finland was the fact I had been invited to attend Sannukka's wedding, daughter of Harri and Susanna who had already been to Brazil.
This was an unique experience, I could learn about the culture and costumes from the country).
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Mertaniemi Family |
A família da Susanna são músicos, portanto eles tocaram durante o casamento. E adivinhem essa música? Garota de Ipanema... Muito bom!
(Susanna has a musical family, her brothers played during the wedding. And guess the song? The girl of Ipanema. Briliant!)
(Susanna has a musical family, her brothers played during the wedding. And guess the song? The girl of Ipanema. Briliant!)
A Finlândia tem muitos lagos, aproximadamente 188 mil, e quase todos tem suas casas na beira de um lago.
Fomos passear por Multia e tive a oportunidade de comer as frutas vermelhas no pé... as 'berries' como são conhecidas.
(Finland has many lakes, about 188 thousands, and almost everybody lives by the lake.
They took me to Multia and I could see and eat all the berry fruits.)
Fomos passear por Multia e tive a oportunidade de comer as frutas vermelhas no pé... as 'berries' como são conhecidas.
(Finland has many lakes, about 188 thousands, and almost everybody lives by the lake.
They took me to Multia and I could see and eat all the berry fruits.)

(Harri took me to the zoo and I could see the animals we do not have in Brazil).
A velha igreja de madeira de Keuruu, construída em 1758. Lá eu pude ver a arquitetura rural finlandesa do século 18.
(The old wooden church in Keuruu was built in 1758. It is one of the most impressive examples of Finnish rural architecture in the 18th century.)
Agradeço novamente ao Harri, Susanna, Anninna e outros membros da família que me acolheram tão bem e pela oportunidade de dividir suas experiências comigo. 'Kitto'
(I am really thankful for Harri, Susanna, Anninna and all the family for being so friendly and kind, offering me the opportunity to share their experiences. 'Kiito')
(I am really thankful for Harri, Susanna, Anninna and all the family for being so friendly and kind, offering me the opportunity to share their experiences. 'Kiito')
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