Cidade/city: São Petersburgo - St. Petersburg
De Helsinki a Rússia fui de trem Allegro, em três horas
estava em São Petersburgo. O bom é que toda burocracia com imigração e troca de
dinheiro é feita no próprio trem.
(It took three hours by Allegro train to arrive in
St.Petersburg. The good thing is that the imigration and money exchange are all
done in the train).
Chegando foi novamente o impacto da língua... Todo mundo falava russo!!! E era difícil entender placas.
(Almost nobody speaks English and sights are all in Russian).
Caminhando fui me apaixonando pela cidade... Os enormes edifícios, as ruas largas, a limpeza.
(I loved the city... the huge buildings, wide and clean streets.)
(I loved the city... the huge buildings, wide and clean streets.)
São Peterburgo foi fundada pelo czar Pedro o Grande em 1703. Tem uma população de quase 5 milhões de pessoas.
(St Petersburg was founded by the Tsar Peter the Great in 1703 and has a population of almost 5 milion people.)
Lugar/place: Museu do Hermitage ou Palácio de inverno - Hermitage Museum ou Winter Palace.
Foi fundado em 1764 por Catarina a grande e esta aberto para o publico desde 1852. É um dos museus de arte mais famosos do mundo e contem mais de 2.7 milhões de obras de arte.
(It was founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great and has been opened to the public since 1852. One of the most famous art museums in the world and cointains over 2.7 million exhibits including some of the world's greatest works of art).
(It was founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great and has been opened to the public since 1852. One of the most famous art museums in the world and cointains over 2.7 million exhibits including some of the world's greatest works of art).
A praça de Dvortsovaya
Extraordinária praça que hoje serve de ponto de grandes manifestações políticas.
(Dvortsovaya Square - extraordinary plaza that is now the rallying place for every political demonstration.)
A belíssima igreja do Sangue Derramado, onde contem mais de 7.000 metros quadrados de belos mosaicos.
(Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood - magnificent church and there are over 7.000 Square metres of beautiful mosaics).
Catedral de S.Isaac - Sua cúpula dourada é do século 19 e é a terceira maior catedral de cúpula do mundo. Subindo os 300 degraus terá uma vista espetacular da cidade.
(St. Isaac's cathedral - This gold-domed 19th century cathedral is the third largest domed cathedral in the world, and offers visitors a 300 step climb to a spectacular view of the city).
(St. Isaac's cathedral - This gold-domed 19th century cathedral is the third largest domed cathedral in the world, and offers visitors a 300 step climb to a spectacular view of the city).
Catedral de Kazan na rua Nevsky - foi construída no inicio de 1800 como replica da basílica de São Pedro. Essa enorme catedral serviu como monumento de vitoria russa contra Napoleão na guerra de 1812.
(Kazan Cathedral at Nevsky street - built in the early 1800s to duplicate the Vatican's Basílica of St.Peter, this huge cathedral served as a monument to Russia's victory over Napoleon in the war of 1812.)
(Kazan Cathedral at Nevsky street - built in the early 1800s to duplicate the Vatican's Basílica of St.Peter, this huge cathedral served as a monument to Russia's victory over Napoleon in the war of 1812.)

A estatua de Pedro, o grande - presente dado por Catarina em honra ao seu antecessor.
(Monument to Peter the Great - given by Catherine to honor her predecessor).
Forte e catedral de Pedro e Paulo - construído em 1703 por Pedro o Grande, foi usado como prisão política.
(Peter and Paul fortress and cathedral - built as a fortress em 1703 by Peter the Great, this building was used as a political prision under the czars).
(Peter and Paul fortress and cathedral - built as a fortress em 1703 by Peter the Great, this building was used as a political prision under the czars).
Esse eu consegui identificar...
(This place I could identify).
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