Da Cracóvia peguei um ônibus que levou oito horas para chegar em Budapeste, na Hungria. Comprei o bilhete do ônibus "hop on/off", muito bom pois daria dois dias de visitas e um tour a noite. E foi nesse tour que conheci Katia e Eduardo, de Porto Alegre, que estão me ajudando com muitas dicas durante a minha viagem.
Budapeste localiza-se as margens do rio Danúbio e possui 1.7 milhões de habitantes. Budapeste foi fundada em 1873 com a fusão das cidades de Buda, na margem direita do Danúbio, com Peste, na margem esquerda.
(From Krakow I took a bus to Budapest, in Hungary, it took eight hours to get there. Then I bought the sightseeing bus ticket, hop on/off and did two days visit and also an evening tour. It was in this tour that I met Katia and Eduardo from Porto Alegre, they have been giving me many tips for my trip.
Budapest is located at the bank of the Danube river and has a population of 1.7 million people. Budapest was founded in 1873 and became a single city occupying both banks of the river Danube, west-bank Buda and east-bank Pest.)
Rio Danúbio, com Buda de um lado e Pest do outro.
(Danube river, Buda in one side and Pest in the other.)
(Danube river, Buda in one side and Pest in the other.)
O prédio do Parlamento de um lado e o Castelo de Buda no outro.
(Parliament Building in one side and in the other, the Buda Castle, the historical Castle of the Hungarian kings.)(Visit to the Jewish neighborhood and the Synagogue with the "tree of life", it has 600 names of victims of the Holocaust in Hungary).

Almoço no famoso New York Café onde comi o típico "goulash" e ouvi "garota de Ipanema" no piano.
(Lunch at the famous New York café, where I ate Goulash, the typical Hungarian meal, and I listened "The girl of Ipanema" in the piano.)
A noite tour pela Praça dos Heróis.
(Night tour visiting the Heroes' Square.)
(Night tour visiting the Heroes' Square.)