Cidade/city: Dover
Cidade/city: Dover
(It is a town and major ferry port, it faces France
across the narrowest part of the English Channel).
Podemos ver também as falésias, conhecidas como White Cliffs of Dover.
(The cliffs owe its striking façade to its composition of soft, white chalk)
(The cliffs owe its striking façade to its composition of soft, white chalk)
(Dover Castle is a medieval Castle founded in the 12th century and has been described as the "Key to England" due to its defensive significance throughout History).

Visitamos o castelo no dia de São Jorge, que é o padroeiro do pais, portanto muitos ingleses estavam visitando o castelo e haviam muitas atividades contando a história.
(We visited the Castle during San George's day and there were many activities showing the history).

Cidade/city: Deal
Castelo de Deal - Deal Castle
Os dois castelos Deal e Warmer eram fortes do século XVI construídos pelo rei Henrique VIII para protege-los das invasões.
(Built by Henry VIII in 1540 as an artillery fortress to counter the threat of invasion).
Castelo de Warmer - Warmer Castle
Catedral de Cantuária ou de Canterbury é um dos mais antigos e conhecidos templos do cristianismo da Inglaterra, de estilo gótico inglês e foi fundada em 597.

Esse castelo serviu de residência para o duque de Wellington por 23 anos e nos ultimos tempos a mãe da rainha Elisabeth costumava passar algum tempo lá.
(The Duke of Wellington spent 23 years at the castle and in recent years Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother made regular visits.)
(The Duke of Wellington spent 23 years at the castle and in recent years Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother made regular visits.)
Cidade/city: Canterbury
(It is one of the oldest and famous Christian structures in England, rebuilt in the Gothic style and it was founded in 597).
Termina aqui minha estadia em Kent e quero agradecer ao meu amigo Charles que me recebeu em sua casa e me mostrou lugares lindos e me apresentou a pessoas muito interessantes. Obrigada, Charles!
(My stay in Kent is over and I want to thank my friend Charles for receiving me in his house, showing me interesting places and introducing me to very nice people. Thanks Charles!
3 Months later...
Lugar/place: Goodnestone Park gardens.
Retornei a casa de meu amigo Charles em Kent, agora em
julho no verão. Tudo estava mais florido, fizemos mais caminhadas e visitamos
outros lugares, como a casa e jardins da família Fitzwalter em Goodnestone,
construída em 1704.
(I returned to my friend Charles' house in Waldershare,
Kent, it was summer and the flowers were really beautiful. We had long walks
and visited Goodnestone park gardens and the Fitzwalter's house built in 1704).

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