É muito bom ter amigos em várias partes do mundo! Passei um
semana na região de Kent, com Charles que mora em Weldershare, perto de
Canterbury, há uma hora de Londres. Fica no Interior, em uma região bem rural.
Foi maravilhoso ver os campos verdinhos e o céu azul!
(It is really nice having friends all over the world! I spent one week with my friend Charles in Weldershare, near Canterbury, one hour from London. It is in the contryside and it was great seeing all the green fields and blue sky!)
(It is really nice having friends all over the world! I spent one week with my friend Charles in Weldershare, near Canterbury, one hour from London. It is in the contryside and it was great seeing all the green fields and blue sky!)
Logo no primeiro dia tive a oportunidade de conhecer Dover e
ver o comecinho da França voando em um avião sem motor, chamado de
"gliding"... Muita emoção ficar 15 minutos no ar!
(In my first day I had the opportunity to see Dover and France flying a small plane without engine, called gliding... 15 minutes in the ar, it was amazing!)
(In my first day I had the opportunity to see Dover and France flying a small plane without engine, called gliding... 15 minutes in the ar, it was amazing!)
Cidade/city: Sandwich
A palavra "Sandwich" vem do conde de Sandwich que tinha o habito de comer pedaços de carne entre duas fatias de pão enquanto jogava cartas.
É uma cidadezinha histórica com uma população de 6.800 pessoas.
(The word Sandwich was because its inventor, Earl of Sandwich, used to eat two slices of bread with meat between them, while he played cards.
It is a historic town and it has a population of 6.800.)
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