Cidade/city: La Spezia - Cinque Terre (Five Lands)
Eu particularmente nunca tinha ouvido falar desse lugar, mas minha amiga americana Erin quando soube que eu estava na Itália, me disse: you must go to Cinque Terre! Então comecei a pesquisar sobre o lugar. Peguei o trem e parei na cidade de La Spezia, pois de lá poderia comprar o ticket para ir as cinco vilas que formam Cinque Terre (cinco vilarejos).
(I have heard about this place from an American friend Erín, who told me: you must go to Cinque Terre! So I started searching about it.)
Seria difícil dizer qual eu gostei mais... Todas tem seu encanto e charme. Encontrei brasileiros visitando esses vilarejos pela segunda vez... Obrigada pela dica Erin!
(I could not say which one I liked the most... As it one of them has its enchantment and charm.
I met Brazilian people there, visiting these places for the second time... Thanks for the tip, Erin!)
(I could not say which one I liked the most... As it one of them has its enchantment and charm.
I met Brazilian people there, visiting these places for the second time... Thanks for the tip, Erin!)
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