Eu e minha prima Cláudia pegamos o trem Eurostar de
Londres para Amsterdam. Chegando lá fomos fazer o tour na cervejaria Heineken.
O tour é bem interativo, contando a história da família e mostrando o processo
completo de fazer a cerveja. Também podemos experimenta-la.
(My cousin Cláudia and I left London by Eurostar
train to go to Amsterdan. When we got there we went to a tour at the Heineken
brewery. It includes lots of interactive activities, history of the family and
the full process of beer making and you can taste some samples)(Amsterdan is famous for its canals from the 17th century and the best way to get around is on a bike.)
Mais de 1.5 milhão de pessoas visitam o museu por ano, e pudemos ver algumas das famosas obras de arte de Van Gogh: os Girassóis e o Porta retrato de Van Gogh.
(Around 1,5 million visitors a year come to visit this Museum. We could see some of the masterpieces: The Sunflowers and Van Gogh's self-portraits.)

(Red-light district - It is an area where there is a concentration of prostitution and sex-oriented businesses.)
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