Cidade/city: Viena
De Praga fui para a Áustria de excursão por um dia.
Minha intenção era ver o castelo da Sissi, Schonbrunn, realizando o sonho da
minha tia Ia. Foi uma visita rápida a cidade, mas deu para ver a beleza que
O castelo é em estilo barroco, o palácio e os
jardins continuam originais. Foi inaugurado em 1699. A imperatriz Elisabeth ou
Sissi a imperatriz, como era conhecida, morou nesse palácio com seu marido
Francisco José I.
(From Prague I got a daily trip to Viena. My main
goal was to visit Sisi Castle, Sconbrunn, place that my aunt Ia always wanted
to go. It was a quick visit to the city, but I could see how beautiful it is.
The Castle has got a baroque style, consisting of a
palace and gardens, and is in its original historical condition.
Sisi, Empress Elisabeth lived in this palace with
her husband Emperor Franz Joseph I.)

O Hofburg Palace era a residência da família real.
(The Hofburg Palace was home for the royal family).
A Áustria tem 1.6 milhões de habitantes. Hitler nasceu e estudou na capital. Também é famosa por ser a cidade de Mozart.
(Áustria has 1.6 milion people. Hitler was born and studied there. And it is also famous for being Mozart city).
(Áustria has 1.6 milion people. Hitler was born and studied there. And it is also famous for being Mozart city).
O grupo participante desse tour.
(The group that joined this tour).
(The group that joined this tour).
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